Blogging is fun, or so I’ve heard!

So just what is my main objective with this blog?
– I basically want to get some practice at using WordPress and just share some thoughts on living and working here in Norway.

Feel free to contact me if you are a fellow translator or perhaps someone who is considering getting into the translation profession.
I will gladly answer your questions and give you any tips you might want about how to get work in this field.

Otherwise, I bet it would be “therapeutic” to spout off a bit about my attempted assimilation into Norwegian culture over nearly 20 years.
Learning to speak and understand Norwegian is one thing. Gaining a true understanding of norsk kultur and the general mindset here is a whole other undertaking.

Have I succeeded, you might well ask me?
Read on, and then you can decide for yourself whether I seem to have cracked the Norwegian Code.

Either way, I have come to truly love this beautiful country and can honestly say that I would not want to live anywhere else.
Living on a small island above the Arctic Circle entails challenges that I will be writing about in future posts. Let’s just say, it’s a real trip living here!

Finally, please don’t take offense if you come across a post that is partially or completely written in Norwegian.
Due to my bilingual existence, it is only natural that my blog will include posts, comments and various expressions in both English and Norwegian.

If you’re super curious about what a post in Norwegian is all about, and you don’t happen to read Norwegian, I recommend using Google Translator.
It does a pretty rough job of translating between Norwegian and English, but at least you’ll get the gist of what is being expressed.!


Aerial photo of Bolga

Posted by Jeff McLean

Southern Californian now living and working as a freelance subtitler and translator in Northern Norway. I translate exclusively from Norwegian to English, but can also provide translation between all language combinations. My specialities are NO > EN subtitles, film scripts and screenplays, and travel descriptions about Norway, but I will gladly assist you with all your translation needs.

Feel free to send me a mail or give me a call for a friendly chat and free price quote. +47 97 06 81 16 --

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